
Insurance woes unite hospitals

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Insurance woes unite hospitals

Ahmedabad: To collectively raise and represent issues plaguing hospitals and nursing homes, a group of doctors and nursing homes in Ahmedabad have jointly formed what is known as Ahmedabad Hospitals and Nursing Homes Association (AHNHA). One of the key issues highlighted by the association was about issues faced by these hospitals with insurance companies and third-party administrators (TPAs).

“The rates offered by insurance companies to member hospitals are too low, which make it unviable to offer quality services to patients. Moreover, the charges have not been revised from many years, which make sustaining operations a challenge,” said Dr Bharat Gadhvi, president of the association, while briefing the media, on Tuesday.
AHNHA members also mentioned that there is no standard criteria for empanelling hospitals. “The association is also opposed to the General Insurance Public Sector Association (GIPSA) Preferred Provider Network (PPN) packages and describes them as unrealistic. AHNA will also represent to the government for providing a single window for issuance of new licences as well as renewal of licences,” said one of the members.
Source: The Times of India