
Mrs. Anamika Roy Rashtrawar, MD & CEO. IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Company Limited.

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Mrs. Anamika Roy Rashtrawar, MD & CEO. IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Company Limited.

She has 3 decades of experience in the General Insurance Industry in India and has served in both public and private general insurance companies. She has held various leadership positions in her previous assignments and is well recognized as an industry thought leader and specializes in insurance distribution. 

She is a postgraduate in English from Kolkata University, Fellow of the Insurance Institute of India and a Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter from The Institutes, USA and is a Chevening Scholar. Besides being a practicing insurance professional she regularly teaches in many institutes and is mentor to many budding industry professionals.


When you started your career and in which company? 

In 1987 I started my career as a direct recruit officer in National Insurance Company limited.

How you started your career? 

In our days the choice of career was limited and AAO of an insurance company was paid well, had a promising career – which led to my choice of appearing for the selection examination and getting selected thereafter 

What were your stepping stones in career? 

 I had great bosses who always gave me difficult assignments which shaped my thinking and enhanced my capability 

Who influenced you the most in your career and why?

 My Husband is the one who helped me crack the exam and always encouraged me to take on large responsibilities 

Your first day at work? 

When I joined the Calcutta Regional Office of National Insurance – I was made to feel very comfortable by everyone. I had no scheduled work. Just chilled around 

When you wanted to quit?  

I quit public sector as promotions were primarily based on vintage and not purely on merit.

Why you choose Insurance? 

No special liking. It is just that the AAO role paid more than bank PO 

Your adult life inspiration? 

No one singularly inspired me. 

Your Best Movies?


Your Best Book?

Lean in – by Sheryl Sandberg

Your favourite food?

 Homemade simple rice and dal 

Your favourite pastime?  

Talking to my mother 

Your passion?   

Raise the bar of performance 

Dream that didn’t happen? 

Doing an MBA from Harvard 

Do you believe in retirement? 


What’s life post retirement? 

Balance work along with living out a farm house

Your Career advice to youngsters?

 If you don’t love the work – change it.
