
UK:COVID-19 income protection rehab support

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UK:COVID-19 income protection rehab support

Aviva Insurance has launched a rehabilitation service to support income protection claimants suffering from long-term ill health due to COVID-19. It will be available to those diagnosed with or suspected of having the coronavirus.

Aviva has put in place a vocational case manager service to support customers who are dealing with the long-term health impact of the novel virus, or if they are suffering physical or mental health conditions exacerbated by lockdown.

The ongoing side-effects from COVID-19 are being monitored by the claims team of Aviva, and these can consist of fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain and loss of taste or smell. According to a survey of around 2,000 doctors carried out by the British Medical Association, 30% of respondents had seen patients with symptoms that they believe are a longer-term effect of having had COVID-19.

The new rehabilitation service is designed to support customers with their recovery to enable them to return to work, either remotely or part-time due to ongoing symptoms. It can also be accessed by customers who may be impacted either physically or mentally by the lockdown. COVID-related claims are being managed in-house by Aviva or through a rehabilitation provider, and three levels of support to customers will be offered depending on severity of symptoms and individual requirements.

A range of options will include ‘phone support and advice, signposting to charities, online training for managing symptoms, return to work planning, or where needed privately funded treatment such as physiotherapy and exercise programmes through a third party.

Aviva claims philosophy manager (health and protection) Jacqueline Kerwood said, "COVID-19 has affected people in many different ways and there is not a one-size-fits-all path to recovery. We are tailoring our approach to the individual needs of the customer - whether that is fatigue management, physiotherapy or a combination of services.

Source: Asia Insurance Review