
PNB MetLife donates hygiene kits to low-income communities

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PNB MetLife donates hygiene kits to low-income communities

PNB MetLife, a private life player, as part of its CSR initiative distributed personal hygiene and safety kits to vulnerable communities in eastern India to help them face the COVID-19 pandemic.

The insurer has partnered with LittleBigHelp India Trust, an NGO, to distribute 1,000 hygiene kits containing items like masks, handwash and detergents to vulnerable adolescent girls and women in Kolkata city. Through this CSR initiative named Damini, the insurer plans to target residents of some of the city’s lowest-income areas, and to raise awareness of the day-to-day hazards they face and to observe good hygiene practices to protect their health and wellbeing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

PNB MetLife chief marketing officer Nipun Kaushal said that underprivileged women and girls face a multitude of health and other challenges at the best of times and with the COVID-19 pandemic, this group will require additional support to thrive.

“PNB MetLife’s CSR initiative, Damini, was created to address the unique challenges girls face in their journey to womanhood and position them for lifelong success,” he said.

Since its launch, the Damini programme has undertaken various initiatives aimed at underprivileged females, including education and awareness for girls on menstrual health and hygiene and bringing financial empowerment to rural women by providing them with skill development workshops to be self-reliant and financially independent.

Source: Asia Insurance Review
