
JB Boda Group, a 75-year-old insurance and reinsurance broking and allied services company in India announces collabration with Institute of Risk Management (IRM). London

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The two organisations will work together across various platforms to raise risk awareness and build a more resilient corporate structure towards the bigger goal of reinforcing the industry’s risk practices with a view to preventing future crises. 

The partnership aims to address the current affairs and issues in areas like fintech, artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency through various knowledge initiatives such as research papers, webinars, opinions and analyses.

Under the partnership, IRM India Affiliate students who have cleared IRM’s examinations will also have access to opportunities to work with JB Boda Group.

The J.B. BODA Group has frequently emphasized the need for companies to enforce proper risk management practices, to be vigilant of not just the current perils but also the ones in the future.

"With the changing risk scenarios globally and with the aim to enhance the ERM ecosystem in the country, particularly in the insurance and reinsurance broking sector, I am glad to announce our collaboration with IRM India Affiliate, 

the world’s leading professional body for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)", said Mr. Rohit Boda, MD. J B Boda Group.

Together, they look forward to address the most relevant issues in fintech, insurtech, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency and many other areas of risk management. and there goal is to build a wider awareness of ERM and its vital importance in building corporate resilience.